Daniel and I had been together for almost a decade.
Before they passed, his parents owned the house we now live in.
We’d made a life together, and I always thought everything between us was wonderful. I never dreamed that our lives would take such an unexpected turn.
It all began with one conversation.
Daniel hadn’t said much about his sister since we started dating.
However, once his parents d.i.e.d, I saw that he began to talk about her more regularly.

But now I see why he started talking about her.
Then one evening, Daniel returned home, looking as if he had received the worst news of his life.
“Sophia called,” he explained. “She’s been through a bad di:vor:ce. She has nowhere to go.”
Sophia entered into our life.
She moved into the upstairs guest room, and I initially convinced myself things would be fine.
But it wasn’t.
She went too far right away.
She commented on my cooking and critiqued my decorating. She also even gave Daniel unsolicited advice about our marriage.
At first, I attempted to dismiss it, believing she was going through a difficult period and needed to feel in charge of something.

What bothered me the most was how she started talking about the house.
When I returned home from work, it was a normal day. I had planned to cook Daniel’s favorite pasta and pair it with my favorite wine. However, as soon as I pulled into the driveway, all of my preparations fell apart.
There were rubbish bags in front of our door. And they were not ordinary waste bags.
They were packed with all of my belongings. My belongings include clothing, shoes, bags, and books.

My hands shook as I pushed the key into the lock. But the door wouldn’t move.
It was locked from within.
Several moments later, the door swung open.
That was her.
Sophia stood in the doorway, carrying a glass of wine.
“You don’t live here anymore.”
Then Sophia closed the door behind me.
Sophia stepped over and dropped a folder on the coffee table.
It contained various legal paperwork with Sophia’s name on them.
“You can’t just kick me out!” I said. “I’m your wife!”

Daniel finally looked at me, but his eyes lacked warmth. It’s just weariness. “Go to a hotel for now. I’ll sort things out.”
I left my house that night, promising myself that I would fight back.
After checking into my hotel room, I sat on the bed and contemplated everything. Then, in the haze and uncertainty, I decided to phone my lawyer and an old buddy named Mark.
Mark breathed sharply. “Emma, listen to me. I don’t think she’s his sister.”
“I did a background check on Daniel years ago when you got married. He never had a sister. He was listed as an only child.”

I hung up before he could finish his statement. Then I grabbed my keys and dashed towards the car. I wanted to experience everything for myself.
My heart pounded against my chest as we walked through the home. Then I heard something as I stood near my bedroom.
I exchanged glances with Mark before pushing the bedroom door open.
And there they were. Daniel and Sophia are twisted together in bed.
It was the last time I saw Daniel’s face. I filed for di:vor:ce the next day.

And the house? I chose to let him keep it. I hope one day he learns that what he lost was far more significant than the house.